Batumi Sameba Church

Perched on a hill in the western branch of the Black Sea coast, the Holy Trinity Church, or Batumi Sameba Church, stands as a revered sanctuary amidst the picturesque Adjara-Guria Range. Situated 400 meters (1312 feet) above sea level, this sacred edifice offers mesmerizing views of Batumi and the expansive Black Sea.

The history of the Holy Trinity Church is one of resilience and revival. Initially built in the second half of the 19th century, it remained unscathed until 1875. However, it fell victim to the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878 when it was blown up by the Ottomans. Despite this, the church continued to serve as a beacon of faith for the local community.

The 20th century saw the church temporarily repurposed as a warehouse, with farming inventory stored within its walls. But the enduring spirit of the Batumi multinational Orthodox community led to the church's revival. Under the leadership of Grigol Pukhno and Luka Shevchuk, signatures were collected and a petition was sent to Georgian Catholicos-Patriarch Kalistrate (Tsintsadze) to restore the church's function.

In 1947, the Holy Trinity Church reopened its doors. The congregation, led by Luka Shevchuk, soon boasted a choir of 30 people and continued to thrive. Tragically, the cathedral was completely destroyed by fire in 1976, necessitating a new temple to be built on the foundations of the burnt one.

The reconstruction of the Holy Trinity Church commenced on September 7, 2002. Financed by Shalva Breus, a Georgian businessman from Russia, the project saw the creation of two temples, forming a beautiful monastery complex. Breus' generous contribution to the church's reconstruction was honored by Ilia II with the St. George Order.

Overlooking Batumi and the Black Sea, the church complex includes a nunnery, situated just behind the cathedral. The Holy Trinity Church today stands as a symbol of endurance and spiritual strength, echoing the resilience of its faithful community through the ages. Liturgical prayers are held every Saturday, bringing together believers in an ambiance of peace and serenity. The ongoing restoration endeavors ensure the church retains its original magnificence while embracing the contemporary spirit of Batumi.

Nearest to Batumi Sameba Church

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